
Showing posts from 2018

Sonic Dreadnought

I love the Redemptor Dreadnought, Its the best of all dreads and exactly what the normal dreads should be. Large and intimidating. I thought it was about time I gave one to my Slaanesh armies, so that naturally meant a Sonic version. Its from the cheap easy to build kit with forge fiend arms and a very hacked together Doom Siren made from helbrute, forgefiend and wraithknight bits. I also cut the sarcophagus out and replace it with a Daemonette torso wired in and held behind a bone cage. I think it came out ok :)

Slaanesh Subjugator - Part 3

Finally, the arms. I found some Tyranid bits that hadn't been used. Not entirely sure which kit they were from, but they were a great fit. The photos are self explanatory. A large and small claw are glued together then stuck on the end of the Maulerfiend arms, replacing the hands which were removed earlier. Then it's just adding them to the body. I also added a cannon from the Maulerfiend to the tail and a few other bits here and there. That's pretty much it for the Subjugator. Been wanting to build one for a while. This one is a bit bigger than an Imperial Knight, which is probably a bit small, but it's still titan sized.

Slaanesh Subjugator - Part 2

Time for the legs. Only really 2 kits are big enough to use for a knight/titan sized legs. An Imperial Knight or a Wraithknight. Given this is a Slaanesh titan the more elegant Wraithknight legs seemed more appropriate. Only issue is the Subjugator has a 3-part leg structure. To sort this out I took a lower section of the Wraithknight arms and used this as the mid leg section, replacing the normal knee joint. The Wraithknight hip fit reasonably well under the main body, hooked under the protruding lip of the rearmost section. So with that in place the legs just attach as normal and it has legs :) Next to find some claws....

Slaanesh Subjugator - Part 1

So I've been wanting to build a titan for Slaanesh for a while, either a Hell Scourge, Questor or Subjugator. The Subjugator is the daddy mac of them all so I'm gonna attempt to build one of those. Rather than copy the Epic aesthetic I'm going to model it on the current daemon engine look and feel. It'll be easier to source parts and will fit with the current chaos look. The body first. It seemed simple enough, just use a Maulerfiend backwards. But then the tail became an issue. The body was too short and the mount in the wrong place. So right now I've used the Wraithknight upper torso section to extend the main body and help angle the tail (Maulerfiend neck) to where I want it. So that's the main body. Next for the legs.

Tech Priestess Dominas

So I wanted some Tech Priests with a Slaanesh feel, so that meant splicing together some Daemonettes and the Tech Priests. The first one I retained the body, arms and legs but added a few claws and a Daemonette head. I sliced off the mask components from the original head and fitted them to the Daemonette head and put it all together, giving a hunched up almost witch like posture. The second I wanted to be a bit different so I used a spare Dark Elf body using the mech leg section more like a big skirt. I used the standard bearer arm from the Daemonettes kit and kept the other arm quite slender but still mechanical. Then finished it off with a few bits of tech on the face.

About those Armigers

I got the Forgebane set mostly because I wanted some Armigers, then when I got it I had a bit of a crisis: What would I do with the rest of the set. After a bit of thought I settled on a Slaanesh themed Dark Mechanicus army. So this then meant Loads of potential for conversions. Starting, of course with the Armigers. My first thought was the main body would stay the same but the head weapons and auxilliary bits would need switching out for alternatives that still had the same weapon feel. The Cannon was taken from a Forgefiend and modified slightly to add the original weapon s melta barrels. This was mounted with brute force and ignorance to the original gun mounting. Next the Close combat weapon. This is Slaanesh. This means Tentacles. I considered the set from the Maulerfiend, but they were too large, whereas the Helbrute set was a bit too small. so I raider my Dark Eldar bits and found a few sets of Talos tentacles. I think they work well. The head also came from a Talos. I ...